August 19, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I have to say, more movies have been coming out lately that elicit tearful responses from me, and 'The Time Traveler's Wife' probably tops the list of biggest tearjerkers - and entire movie theater agreed with me, judging from the fact that during particular scenes, you could hear everyone sniffling, and the rustle of pulling out a pocket pack of Kleenex, I kid you not.

I'm going to try and talk about the movie while avoiding spoilers, so sorry if this is super vague.

First of all - Rachel McAdams was incredible, and real, and Eric Bana was also amazing, and not just because he spent a good bit of the movie with no clothes on. I loved the camerawork so much - simplicity really is an effective strategy. The dialogue was really believable, not too sappy, and the slightly sci-fi feel to the whole thing makes it feel a whole lot more fresh than a lot of chick flicks. Also, even for people like myself who have never read the book, the scenework gives enough foreshadowing to elicit the correct feelings about scenes without giving anything away.

Now, onto the sappier side of my opinion!

I personally thought this movie was so much more effective than past chick flicks based off of Nicholas Sparks novels. The only movie to come close to the emotional reaction this elicited in me was "A Walk To Remember", and that honestly doesn't even come in a close second emotionally, no matter how much I liked it. Chick flicks often come off to me as dry, unrealistic, and hard to relate to - it's a little ironic that a movie based on time travel feels more realistic and human to me. It hit me more than almost every chick flick I've ever watched. Combined.

I think the first scene in the movie that made me think this was going to be way different from most chick flicks for me was when Clare and Henry are on a park bench, and Clare asks what it's like for Henry to always be leaving, because she knows what it's like to be the one who gets left. Being in the current relationship I'm in - namely, being an Army Wife - I could already tell the movie would elicit tears from me like a waterspout. From then on, I had already decided the entire movie was an analogy for my situation.

I honestly have no complaints about the movie, except the fact that I had to walk out of the movie theater incredibly puffy-eyed and sniffly.

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