As most people who I've spoken to know, I have a lot of opinions about the DREAM Act, which is currently still up in the air. As such, I felt that it would be helpful for people who have not kept up with the legislation quite as much to compile some editorials both for and against it. Below, find a collection of some helpful editorials I have looked up, with a quote from each. Whichever side of the issue you are on, I think it is important to have a balanced view. I would also like to take the opportunity to plug my earlier blog post with my own opinion on the issue, which you can read either by scrolling down if you are accessing my main blog page, or by clicking here.
(This listing will be updated as I find more articles, so check back periodically. Also, if you have an editorial you have written or felt strongly about, send it my way!)
"If you knew that by passing legislation to allow 2.1 million American students to pursue higher education or military service, our government could collect $3.6 trillion over the next 40 years, would you do it?"
"This law allows students to pay in-state tuition in the public university system if they have attended a California high school for three years and have graduated. That means students like Arthur and Rodrigo are exempt from more expensive nonresident tuition."
"Sure, there are other priorities, such as extending tax cuts and unemployment insurance. But there always are. Only squeaky wheels get the oil, and the squeak among Hispanics is getting loud and angry."
"The DREAM Act promises a pathway to citizenship if these young people enroll in higher education or commit themselves to military service -- in short, to give back to America more than we expect native-born American citizens to do. And, for what it's worth, these youth want to do it."
"If the bill, known as the Dream Act, does not pass before a more conservative Congress takes power in January, it is unlikely to pass for years to come.",0,5057601.story?track=rss
Even if they lack the right papers, the young people who would benefit from the DREAM Act are unquestionably American.
Coming from a family of simple means, there is no one stepping up to pay for his college. He is an illegal immigrant not by choice but by virtue of transport - his parents brought him here.
"...its prognosis for the future might be better if citizenship were reserved for those who earned it through true sacrifice or public works rather than giving it away to anyone willing to spend a couple of years in college building his or her own résumé or skills."
"Under no circumstances must the DREAM act for Illegal Immigrants become law. This unwise and foolish plan can and must be stopped now before it destroys our country."
"The real victims are the children of illegal immigrants. However, it doesn't change the fact that their parents knowingly broke the law when migrating to the United States. The DREAM Act is putting a band-aid over a bigger issue on immigration."
"Many people are under the false impression the Dream Act would grant citizenship to children born here of illegal immigrant parents. But such children are, at present, automatic U.S. citizens at birth. Instead, the Dream Act would grant legal status to immigrants younger than 36 who arrived in the U.S. as children, have lived here for five years, and are currently either in college or serving in the military."
"Six years after their legalization, amnestied aliens can apply for citizenship and petition to bring relatives, including the “seed” criminals (their parents who brought them here illegally), to the United States. This makes the effective size of the amnesty much larger."
Unfortunately, Americans are excluded from the benefits of these bills but they will be expected to foot the tax bill and incur some other penalties.
ILLEGAL ALIEN advocates are pressuring the government to grant them amnesty, and Liberals are happily going along with their request!
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